Vaani Future Plans
- To start a sign language school.
- To produce two numbers motor vehicle/ buses for the conveyance of children & vocational trainees.
- To start a mobile Dispensary
- To organise diagnostic cum hearing aid fitment camps from time to time
- To import vocational training course like stitiching, beautician, computer/mobile repair, sport goods work skills.
- Providing airconditioning for basement conference hall (6 AC)
- By taking initiative & blessing donating liberally.zx
- We are dreaming of executing all these pious plans and schemes but our dreams can convert into realated only if we get financially moral and active support from all segments of the society.
Is more blessed to give than to receive ------ " New Testament"
Man is a social animal and wants to live in the society respectfully. Disabled are no exception to this.
The civilization of a nation depends on how she takes care of her underprivileged and needy " Voltaire"